Check out our price structure


The full rate card is shown below; the rates depend on the category of the escort you choose and the duration of the date. Kindly also note our Terms and Conditions and consult our FAQ before confirming a booking.

As an international agency, our rates are based in EURO currency. Rates shown in CHF, USD and GBP are based on the daily exchange rates of the ECB (+ 2%, rounded to the nearest ten).


2 hours1000  10001130900
3 hours1200120013501080
4 hours1400140015801260
6 hours1600160018001440
8 hours1800180020301620
12 hours2000200022501800
18 hours2300230025902070
24 hours2600260029302340
48 hours4400440049603960
Additional day1200     120013501080


2 hours1200  10001130900
3 hours1400120013501080
4 hours1600140015801260
6 hours1800160018001440
8 hours2000180020301620
12 hours2300200022501800
18 hours2600230025902070
24 hours2900260029302340
48 hours4900440049603960
Additional day1400     120013501080


2 hours1500  15001130900
3 hours1800180013501080
4 hours2100210015801260
6 hours2400240018001440
8 hours2700270020301620
12 hours3000300022501800
18 hours3400340025902070
24 hours3800380029302340
48 hours6400640071103960
Additional day1800     180020001600